Child Sexual Abuse in Pakistan and it's facts and effects:

 Knowledge and fact about Child Abuse, and how to prevent the increasing rate of sexual exploitation:

Child sexual abuse occur in all population and happens to children in all socioeconomic and educational levels, across all racial and cultural groups, and in both rural and urban areas.

Last year the annual statistical data reported the alarming number of total 3445 Children have been abused in Pakistan. The report says out of these 3445 children 2077 were girls and 1368 were boys.
According to this annual data 9 girls are being abused every day.

Apart from this report there are hundreds of cases of child abuse and sexual exploitation which the families keep out of sight to preserve their family honor or abusers manipulate the victims or threat their families to stay quit.

And there are many other cases which are not being reported because of the most horrifying fact the abuser is a person of trust, relative or some family member.

Child Sexual abuse is one of the heart wrenching problem of our society. If we sum up the child sexual abuse in a word it can be rightly described 
trampling of a bud prior to its bloom and it leaves never fading scorches on the bearings of the victims.

However, it is not only the issue of Pakistan, it is global issue, but unfortunately the number of reported child abuse cases in Pakistan is increasing day by day and yet, there is no ultimate solution for this horrible social issue.

Recent incident of a seven years old girl Zainab was being tipping point when her body was found on rubbish heap near her home in Kasur, when public and the family of zainab raised their voices and candle light vigils held across the country and hashtag #justiceforzainab trended on social media and then government acted on that. Although Punjab police arrested the culprit and the culprit has been given death sentence, but still the government fails to prevent happening of such incidents. 

Yesterday one another painful incident happened in Karachi,a seven years old girl "Kainaat" was murdered after being allegedly raped Bhittaiabad area near Gulistan e Johar. According to the Dr. Zakia Khursheed lady M.L.O of Jinnah hospital Karachi that Kainaat has been assaulted by different mean including being tortured by cigarette and her stomach was hit by heavy object and then strangulated to death.

"Child sexual abuse in Pakistan"
With the notion of "new Pakistan" now it should be one of supreme responsibility of new government of Pakistan, Rational-legal authority, police and every citizen  to keep our Children safe and secure from Child sexual assault.
There are following things, which every individual can do to prevent to happen or less to happen such kind of incidents.

 1) Raising awareness about child sexual abuse:

This should be everyone responsibility to raise awareness about child sexual exploitation to the parents who have Children of age 3-15 and give them knowledge about protective measures they can take on the behalf of their children. This goal of public education about child abuse would be one of the best ways to eliminate such incidents.

2) Organizing Child sexual abuse prevention programs: 

These kinds of programs can be organized in primary and elementary schools. By this you can educate children how to recognize instance of abuse and teach them personal safety skills.

3) Making available of mental and physical health services to effected Children:

Children who have been suffered from abuse can face long term and severe physical and psychological consequences. you can help those Children by giving them mental support and can provide any kind of relief.   

How Parents can protect their children by sexual assault?  

There are following things which parents can do for the safety of their Children.

  • Be involve and show interested in your Children day to day life.
  • Get to know who your children spending time with including adult like teachers, coaches and parents of their friends.
  •  Teach your child about boundaries.
  •  Teach your children how to talk about their bodies.
  • Tell your children the will be never in trouble if they tell your body secret.
  • Tell your children that these rules apply even with people they know and even with another child.




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